Assessing Your Risk: Are You Vulnerable to Investment Scams?


Investment scams are nothing new but there are some tools that you can use to assess your vulnerability to falling for one. FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) has created two simple quizzes you can take so let’s explore how you can use them to better understand your own risk—and ultimately safeguard your financial future. The…

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identity theft

Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft: An Overview of Common Threats and Prevention


*subscriber exclusive* In this article, we explore the growing threat of identity theft, with over $10 billion lost to fraud in 2023 alone. Learn about different types of identity theft, warning signs to watch for, and practical tips to safeguard your personal information. Don’t wait until it’s too late—stay informed and take steps to protect…

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Your Vulnerability to Scams Increases When You’re Desperate


In times of crisis or desperation, we often become more susceptible to scams and fraudulent schemes. This increased vulnerability can have severe consequences, leading to financial losses and emotional distress. Understanding why desperation makes us more vulnerable and how to protect ourselves is crucial in today’s world of sophisticated scams. Desperation creates a sense of…

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The Devil You Know: When Elder Abuse Hits Close to Home


We’ve all heard the horror stories of elderly individuals falling prey to elaborate phone scams or internet fraud. These tales serve as cautionary examples, prompting us to educate our older relatives about the dangers lurking in the digital world. However, this hyper-focus on stranger danger can inadvertently blind us to a more immediate threat: financial…

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A wallet with chained lock symbolizes financial security and elder fraud prevention in retirement planning.

Securing Your STUFF When you Travel


When we travel, we are often at increased risks on two fronts. First, we may be taking some valuables with us – jewelry, extra cash, laptops, etc. – and leaving them in unfamiliar places, all putting us at some type of heightened risk. Second, we increase our risk of identity theft due to the increased…

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Social Security False Reporting: An Indirect Hit

Social Security False Reporting: An Indirect Hit


Back in June, rumors starting running rampant that there would be a $600 social security increase. While potentially very exciting, this turned out to also be very FALSE. The rumor spread quickly, resulting in the Social Security Administration’s phone lines being inundated with more than 463,000 calls in a single day. This incident highlights a…

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Fraud alert badge symbolizing elder fraud prevention and financial security.

Having a Badge Does Not Make You Official


Phone scammers are starting to get hip to the fact that WE’RE getting hip. A larger majority of people are asking the right questions and doing the right thing when receiving phone calls from unknown actors claiming to be from a Federal agency. SO – these bad actors have taken it a step further by…

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House with document in hand, symbolizing retirement planning and financial security for seniors.

Deed Fraud


In the realm of property-related crimes, deed fraud stands out as a particularly alarming trend. This sophisticated scam involves criminals using forged documents to steal homeownership right from under the legitimate owners’ noses. While it may sound like something out of a crime novel, deed fraud is a very real and growing threat in today’s…

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A cartoon thief holding a green money bag, representing elder fraud prevention.

The Grandparent Scam


The grandparent scam is a cruel tactic used by fraudsters to exploit the love and concern of older adults for their grandchildren. In this scheme, scammers pose as grandchildren in distress, seeking immediate financial help. Despite seeming obvious from the outside, these scams continue to succeed due to their emotional manipulation. Here’s how it typically…

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