Hidden Costs of Retirement Relocation


Tired of seeing endless articles about the “10 Best Places to Retire” or “Cheapest Cities for Retirees”? You’re not alone. These articles paint a rosy picture of retirement relocation, making it seem as simple as picking a sunny spot and packing your bags. But the reality is far more complex—and potentially costly. While dreams of…

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Office desk with charts, calculator, glasses, magnifying glass, and smartphone for retirement planning and financial security.

Key Takeaways from This Year’s Midyear Financial Forecasts


Sometimes it is wise to take a look back ahead of a journey forward. We have been scrutinizing the midyear outlooks published by various financial institutions and respected strategists back in June. Our aim is to provide valuable context as we approach what could be a turbulent period. With a Presidential election right around the…

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Behavior & Budgeting: Mastering Your Finances for a Secure Future


In today’s complex financial landscape, understanding the relationship between our behavior and our budgeting practices is more crucial than ever. At My Retirement Network, we’re committed to providing you with the knowledge and tools you need to navigate your financial journey successfully. While we will be offering a webinar on “Behavior & Budgeting” for workplaces…

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"Tree growing from a globe with money leaves, symbolizing ESG investing and financial growth for retirement planning."

The Green Gold Rush: A Comprehensive Guide to ESG Investing in 2024


Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing has gained significant attention in recent years, but many investors remain confused about its meaning, effectiveness, and potential impact on returns. ESG investing is a strategy that considers environmental, social, and governance factors alongside traditional financial metrics when making investment decisions. Here’s a breakdown of what each component means:…

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A roller coaster with dollar signs, symbolizing financial ups and downs in retirement planning.

Investor Psychology: Navigating Market Volatility


Imagine the stock market takes a nosedive. Your retirement account value plummets, and anxiety sets in. Logic tells you to stay calm, but the urge to act becomes overwhelming. This scenario illustrates the power of investor psychology, which influences both individual consumers and professional money managers. The key is to recognize the behavior and take…

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Cartoon cat in a wheelchair with glasses, representing senior lifestyle and aging population.

We Need All the Help we Can Get: a plan for an aging population


The term “silver tsunami” has gained traction as a metaphor for our rapidly aging population. However, unlike actual tsunamis that offer little warning, demographic shifts provide ample notice. The question is: Will we use this foresight to prepare, or will inaction leave us vulnerable to the challenges ahead? The Latest… The Department of Health and…

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"Stick figure chasing money, illustrating the challenges of financial security and retirement planning for seniors."

Will I Run Out of Money?


Worrying about running out of money is at the top of the list of concerns for those planning for retirement or already there. Whether you’ve diligently saved a small fortune or you’re working with more modest means, the transition from saving to spending can feel almost terrifying. Of course, no one can answer this question…

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Cartoon character contrasting Monday blues with Friday happiness, symbolizing work-life balance and retirement planning.

Staggered Retirement


Last week in our discussion of J.P.Morgan’s 2019 study Three Retirement Surprises we examined why the conventional wisdom of the 4% rule may not always apply. In a follow up study this year, they examined what happens to spending in households where couples do not retire at the same time. Their data concluded that partially…

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"Retirement planning tools with graphs, calculator, and suitcase symbolizing financial security and senior lifestyle."

Is 60/40 Still a Thing?


The 60/40 portfolio (60% equities, 40% bonds) has been a staple of investment strategy for decades. But did we adopt this approach simply because it was the best we could do with the limited investment options available at the time? While this strategy has generally performed well, it’s worth questioning whether it’s truly foolproof, especially…

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social security please hold

Social Security, Please Hold


Thank you for calling Social Security, Your Estimated Wait Time is… No matter what the situation is, sometimes when we have a problem, we just want to speak to someone. We don’t want to listen to a lengthy message only to click on some options and then be told we can’t be helped and ‘good…

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