Month: August 2024

Social Security False Reporting: An Indirect Hit

Social Security False Reporting: An Indirect Hit

Back in June, rumors starting running rampant that there would be a $600 social security...
Cartoon cat in a wheelchair with glasses, representing senior lifestyle and aging population.

We Need All the Help we Can Get: a plan for an aging population

The term "silver tsunami" has gained traction as a metaphor for our rapidly aging population....
"Stick figure chasing money, illustrating the challenges of financial security and retirement planning for seniors."

Will I Run Out of Money?

Worrying about running out of money is at the top of the list of concerns...
TSP Death Benefits – What Your Beneficiaries Need to Know

TSP Death Benefits – What Your Beneficiaries Need to Know

Last week, we discussed the importance of ensuring your beneficiary designations are in order. Let's...
"Illustration of a teacher and children with hello in different languages on a board, promoting multicultural education."

The Benefits of Learning a New Language in Later Life

Just as our bodies require care and exercise, so do our brains — especially as...
cartoon kawaii happy birthday

The Study of JOY, Part 2

Last week we discussed the basis for finding happiness in our relationships and what that...
Fraud alert badge symbolizing elder fraud prevention and financial security.

Having a Badge Does Not Make You Official

Phone scammers are starting to get hip to the fact that WE’RE getting hip. A...
Cartoon character contrasting Monday blues with Friday happiness, symbolizing work-life balance and retirement planning.

Staggered Retirement

Last week in our discussion of J.P.Morgan’s 2019 study Three Retirement Surprises we examined why...
TSP Death Benefits – PLEASE Check Your Beneficiaries

TSP Death Benefits – PLEASE Check Your Beneficiaries

No one wants to think about planning for death – but sadly this is a...
"Retirement planning tools with graphs, calculator, and suitcase symbolizing financial security and senior lifestyle."

Is 60/40 Still a Thing?

The 60/40 portfolio (60% equities, 40% bonds) has been a staple of investment strategy for...